venerdì 8 giugno 2018

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Message of Love to all My followers

My dearly beloved daughter, today I rejoice at the faith shown by My beloved followers all over the world, who are hearing My call through these Messages. I rejoice because of the deep faith shown by My beloved children, in a world that rejects Me. My precious children, those who believe in Me, bring tears of joy to Me in times of sadness. Were it not for those with a deep devotion to Me, I would not be consoled.
My children who love Me must listen to Me now. Let Me embrace you in My Arms and explain to you the importance of your faith. Your faith is like a flame in My Heart, which never dies. It may flicker from time to time, but I will instil in you the energy to keep this flame aglow. You, My children of the Light, will devour the darkness, but you must stay together as one to fight the antichrist.
Satan cannot win, for this is impossible
Always understand this important fact. He, the deceiver, cannot and will not win, for this is impossible. Therefore, you must always accept that My Light and that of My Eternal Father will never diminish, for it is not the Light that will extinguish. But it is the dark that will attract those poor souls who will be drawn towards it. Those poor, misguided children are in My Heart and mean just as much to Me as you do. You, My children, as in any family must look after your wayward brothers and sisters. No matter how grave their sins, never judge them. Bring them back to Me. Talk to them. Pray My Divine Mercy for them, so they can be saved from the clutches of the evil one at the time of death.
Shout now from the hilltops. Remind everyone of the Truth. Ignore those taunts. But when explaining to My children how much I love them, do not force your views on them, instead, simply explain that they were created by God the Father. Tell them He sent Me, His only Son to save them, to give them a chance to live eternal life. And then tell them I love them and that I walk with each one of them every minute of the day. Even when I witness their rejection and the evil they do onto others, I Am still there beside them. Hoping they will turn to Me and ask for My help, for when they do I will embrace them with tears of joy and relief. Help Me save those precious souls. Do not let the deceiver take them from Me. They are your family. My family. We are one. Just one lost soul is one too many.
Thank you, My beloved children, everywhere. Know that I Am with you now in a much stronger Presence, through the Holy Spirit, than at any other time in history. Hold My Hand and walk with Me towards the New Paradise on Earth, which will be your glorious home in the future.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ King of Mercy
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Prepare your family

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Prepare your family to witness My Cross in the Sky

My dearly beloved daughter, I must share with you the feelings I Am enduring now. The first is one of happiness, because I Am to bring so much Mercy to My children during the Illumination of Conscience, which is close. And then there are My Tears of great sadness, for those oblivious to this event and who are unprepared. My children will need to tell as many of their friends and family of this Great Event in order to save their souls. No matter if they smile and ridicule your claims, for afterwards, they will thank you. Tell them the Truth. Ask them to open their minds. They should be made aware of what they will witness, because when they see My Cross in the sky they will be prepared. That is all they need to understand. Then they will accept the discomfort they will endure when their past lives are played out before their eyes. Tell them to review their life and remind them of the harm that they may have inflicted on their fellow brothers and sisters.
Spread My Word after the Warning
My children, as soon as The Warning happens and when conversion takes place move quickly to spread My Most Holy Word. There is an urgency to this because this will be a crucial period. That is when, through the work of My beloved followers everywhere, that My children will stay on the right path. It will be the time when prayer and conversion can dilute the impact of the havoc, which will come about through the reign of both the antichrist and the false prophet.
Accept the Truth now for what it is. Do not fear the Truth. Embrace it; for when you do, you will be set free and your confidence in Me will enable you to defend My Word properly. Fear will hold you back, My precious children. Courage will win souls. Your battle, on My behalf, will ease My suffering and bring eternal life to so many more souls who desperately need your help.
My Love for you, children, is all-encompassing and never waivers in its intensity. My Cross is heavy, but when you take it up with love in your hearts, your load will be light. You My beloved followers, sacred servants and lay people, are My future army to help defeat Satan. Pray now for the strength to deal with the challenges to your faith. Lead by example and the Gift I Am bestowing on each of you who pledges his or her allegiance to Me will create instant conversion when you speak My Most Holy Word. Remember, I Am with you all the time now. Many of you who have been close to Me for some time will now experience a stronger sense of the Holy Spirit and the power of discernment, which will astonish you. Accept this as one of the greatest Gifts being given to man today. I have not bestowed a multitude of such graces since My apostles were given the precious Gifts through The Holy Spirit.
You, My followers, including My sacred servants, are My True Church. I will, with the help of God the Eternal Father, lead you so you can march with all My children towards the New Paradise, which awaits you all.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ
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mercoledì 6 giugno 2018

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Mother of Salvation: The figure one will be used as a symbol in the new book

My dear child, the world will soon be presented, by the enemies of my Son, with a wicked book, which will have the number one embedded within its cover in red and black with the head of a goat hidden within its design. 
To those who are none the wiser, this book will be claimed to be an important publication, which will unify the world. It will be seen to be the greatest source in bringing about world unity and it will encourage all those who read it to adapt to a new way of thinking; a new way of believing in yourself; of being kind to yourself; so that you can join, as one, with others who follow this path towards self-glorification. This book will become a doctrine to unite all nations; all religions; all politics; all rules and economic views. It will be used to create a new one-world society, devoid of religions which honour my Son, Jesus Christ. It will be part of school curriculums and all governments will be encouraged to adapt its philosophy, as part of the constitutions of their countries.
The figure one will be used as a symbol in the new book and people will wear badges, in order to publicly declare their allegiance to this one-world alliance. All will be ready, so that when the antichrist rises, the book will be seen to play a part in his dictatorship. The book will endorse every false doctrine; every falsity in the Eyes of God; untruths and a dangerous philosophy, which will lead all those who accept its contents into grave error. People’s ability to discern right from wrong will be weakened because of it. Their morality will be called into question and paganism, disguised as a religion that welcomes all, will be cunningly woven into every paragraph.
Many people will want to buy this book, because it will be declared to be such an astonishing breakthrough in the world of politics. It will become a book, which promotes a form of communism, but it will be seen as something with a unique spirituality, which will touch the hearts of many. It will be everything that is the opposite to the True Word of God. It will be a book, which sets out to evangelise the world into believing in the importance of humanism. It will glorify mankind; man’s intelligence; man’s progress; man’s great scientific strength and the importance of controlling all countries in the same way.
All is being planned to ensure that the antichrist will be welcomed amid great celebrations. For make no mistake, this book will be masterminded by he who will declare himself king of the world. And all peoples will be excited about a new world; a new beginning and a new leader. In time, he will be welcomed into my Son’s Church with the book of heresy. And when he sits on the throne in the new temple, all will treat him as the Christ. Shortly afterwards, he will fool the world into believing that he is my Son, Jesus Christ.
That will be the time of a great many tears – tears, which will be spilt from Heaven because of the deceit, which will involve so many people. All these preparations have begun and so God also prepares to fight for those who fall under the influence of the antichrist. Prepare well, dear children, for you will need every help from Heaven to help sustain you during the times ahead.
Move forward with hope, because that period will be short, as God will not permit the beast to reign for any longer than is necessary, according to Holy Scripture. Trust, hope and be grateful for being given the Truth now, for this is how you will be able to prepare. Give thanks always to God for such Mercies, for He is so Generous that the more you call on Him, through His beloved Son, the more He will dilute the impact of such trials.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
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Lies, very often, come dressed as good things

My dearly beloved daughter, how I wish that love would multiply in the world, for then man would truly love his neighbor, just as My Father commanded and there would be no wars.
Wars are the result of a lack of belief in the One True God. They are caused by fear, hatred and pride, all of which are enkindled by the power of Satan. As more people turn away from God and reject the need to prepare their souls for a life of glorious eternity, they will fall into much error. When they cannot see the Truth, they will be predisposed to believe in lies. Lies, very often, come dressed as good things. They masquerade as desirable deeds, rightful acts, pleasure, and as alternatives to what is natural.
Evil will rarely be seen as such, because that is not how Satan plans his deceit upon mankind. He, the evil one, whose works are seen within the words, deeds and acts of weak souls, is careful never to reveal himself. He will, through the poor souls he infests, come across as caring, pleasant and will always present an attractive façade. Cunning, he will draw people into committing acts of evil through temptation and he will do this by preying on their most vulnerable weaknesses. While he normally seduces through the senses, he will also appeal to those who seek the Truth in their faith. This is when he, Satan, will draw souls into a trap where they will accept evil as being good.
It will only be at a later stage, when they feel uncomfortable and uneasy that they will sense that something is wrong. By then, hatred and a disregard for their neighbour will have been manifested within their souls. Then they will believe that those actions, which they embark on, in the Name of God, but which insult God, are for the Glory of God.
When war is created in the Name of God, it is usually not to God the armies of the world pay homage to. When they murder nations and say they honour God, they distance themselves from God and side with the beast.
The beast is planning the destruction of humanity in two ways, at this point in time. In the first instance, he is destroying life through abortion, murder and war. In the second instance, he is attacking My Church on Earth so that all churches, which honour Me, Jesus Christ and My beloved Father, are destroyed. In these ways he will steal souls and prevent them from following the Truth and from inheriting My Kingdom.
Your Jesus
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Virgin Mary:Children when you suffer in this life you become closer to my Son.

Children when you suffer in this life you become closer to my Son.
Suffering, hard as it is, brings graces especially if it is embraced willingly for the salvation of souls.
When you suffer always remember how my Son suffered.
His physical torture, remember, would be very difficult to endure by man. Yet mental suffering can create the same pain.
For those who fight suffering you must ask me, your beloved Mother of Salvation, to help you cope with it.
I will take your suffering and offer it to my Precious Son on your behalf to save souls.
He will only take what He needs and will give you comfort.  He will then ease your load.
Suffering can be a form of purification of the soul.
Reject it and fight it and it will not provide relief. It will become a much heavier burden.
When you offer it up with love you will be relieved of your weight and you will become joyful.
Never fear suffering for it brings you closer to the Sacred Heart of my Son.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

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Keys of Rome handed back

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The Keys of Rome now being handed back to God the Almighty Father


My dearly beloved daughter, be strong now. The content of My Messages to you are causing you fear, which you must not succumb to. Sometimes you feel so alone in this Work, yet I stand with you every day and Am not far from your side. My Messages, as I have told you before, will not always bring joy to souls. Believers, however, will understand that chastisement is necessary to help purify the world.
It is difficult, I know, to digest the content sometimes, but you must place all your trust in Me. I Am instructing you, once again, not to engage with those people, believers of mine, who challenge, analyse or pick holes in My Holy Word. For neither you nor those souls has the authority to do so. You must obey me now. Let those who continue to pour scorn and denounce My Word be, for this is no longer your concern. Yes, of course, you will be criticised when you proclaim My Word. Ignore those now who try to engage with you. Time is too short to waste with such diversions. The people you need to concern yourself with now are My poor children who lack faith, or who do not know Me or My Eternal Father. They are the ones of great concern to Me.
So while those well-meaning Christians who will always try to discern My Word, devote their time to analysis, instead of simply following My Teachings and praying for their poor brothers and sisters, valuable time is being wasted.
My daughter, tell the world that the ecological disasters foretold will now strike the Earth. All will commence now, so many, so quickly. And all due to the blind eyes turned on the Word of God the Father by sinners, wrapped up in their dens of iniquity.
Believers do not be fearful
Believers, pray now. Do not be fearful. I will offer you My Divine protection at all times, even when you are ridiculed in My Name. Prayer will give you strength and courage, as the evil one and his minions now pour out their venom on My children. As their heinous acts of warfare on humanity begins to escalate, through terrorism, monopoly of world currencies and the poisoning of the Earth through deliberate contamination, hear Me now. The Wrath of God the Father will now fall, and quickly. Prayer must be conducted in groups all over the world because it will help avert some of these events.
Pray for My beloved Pope Benedict. He is surrounded by very powerful enemies of God, gluttons for power and control of My Church. Prayer can help delay his imminent departure, when he will be forced to leave the Vatican as foretold. Pray, pray, pray for this period in time, for it will be the darkest ever to befall My sacred servants, Bishops, Cardinals and all true followers of Mine. The Keys of Rome will now be handed back to God the Almighty Father.
The time has come for the battle against Satan and his evil followers. Their attempts to sabotage mankind will be dealt with most severely, for they will endure great suffering for their evil acts.
Rise now, My children. Place all your trust, confidence and devotion to Me as a priority. Daily prayer, Mass and the Eucharist will help Me, and My Father, stamp out this evil. Follow Me. Take up My Cup, for when you do this, you will enjoy eternal life.
Your loving Saviour
King of Mankind, Jesus Christ
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